Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Epub⋙: Learning to Think: Disciplinary Perspectives by Janet Gail Donald

Learning to Think: Disciplinary Perspectives by Janet Gail Donald

Learning to Think: Disciplinary Perspectives

Learning to Think: Disciplinary Perspectives by Janet Gail Donald PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In colleges and universities, there is increasing demand to help students learn how to conceptualize, analyze, and reason. Learning to Think presents a model of learning that takes into account the different ways learning occurs in different academic disciplines and explores the relationship between knowledge and thinking processes. Janet Donald--a leading researcher in the field of postsecondary teaching and learning--presents a framework for learning that goes beyond the acquisition of knowledge to encompass ways of constructing and utilizing it within and across disciplines. The author discusses how learning occurs in different academic disciplines and reveals how educators can improve the teaching and learning process in their classrooms and programs.

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Learning to Think: Disciplinary Perspectives by Janet Gail Donald EPub

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