Clinical Pathology (Oxford Core Texts) by James Carton, Richard Daly, Pramila Ramani
Clinical Pathology (Oxford Core Texts) by James Carton, Richard Daly, Pramila Ramani PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Pathology forms a core component of any medical or dental undergraduate's course, yet it is a subject that students often struggle with due to the overwhelming amount of information there is to assimilate in the time available. Clinical Pathology: An Oxford Core Text provides the ideal solution.The text focuses on the most common disorders likely to be encountered by students in their clinical years, avoiding unnecessary, and often intimidating, detail. Fundamental pathologic theory and principles are explained in an easy-to-read and engaging manner, using extensive learning features to make learning as quick and effective as possible.
Every body system is explored so the underlying pathology of each major condition and disease can be rapidly accessed. A final section on 'pathology in real life' illustrates the human aspect of the disease process, illustrating the link between underlying theory and clinical practice.
This book is ideal for medical students on their pathology courses. It is also of great value to junior doctors and Royal College exam candidates for revision.
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